Magento 2 script to get the order details form the order id , how to get the order increment number ,
customer details from the order number , customer first name , last name, middle name , order state ,
order status , no of quantity purchased , coupon code details
$orderId = "1";
$orderDetailsArray = $objectManager->create('Magento\Sales\Model\Order')->load($orderId);
echo $orderDataArray->getData('entity_id'); // get order entity id
# get state of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('state');
# get status of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('status');
# get coupon_code of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('coupon_code');
# get shipping_description of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('shipping_description');
# check if virtual product in the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('is_virtual');
# get store_id of the orderecho
echo $orderDataArray->getData('store_id');
# get customer_id of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('customer_id');
# get base_discount_amount of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_discount_amount');
# get base_discount_canceled of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_discount_canceled');
# get base_discount_invoiced of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_discount_invoiced');
# get base_discount_refunded of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_discount_refunded');
# get base_grand_total of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_grand_total');
# get base_shipping_amount of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_shipping_amount');
# get base_shipping_canceled of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_shipping_canceled');
# get base_shipping_invoiced of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_shipping_invoiced');
# get base_shipping_refunded of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('base_shipping_refunded');
# get discount_amount of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('discount_amount');
# get grand_total of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('grand_total');
# get shipping_amount of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('shipping_amount');
# get total_qty_ordered of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('total_qty_ordered');
# get customer_email of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('customer_email');
# get customer_firstname of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('customer_firstname');
# get customer_lastname of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('customer_lastname');
# get created_at of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('created_at');
# get coupon_rule_name of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('coupon_rule_name');
# get total_item_count of the order
echo $orderDataArray->getData('total_item_count');
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