Error knockout.js Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding "foreach: function(){return

When we are trying to parse a json object with foreach loop and a if condition to check the missing value , the following error will come below

<ul data-bind="foreach:foodMenu">
<li>Name <span data-bind="text:name"></span> , Type:  <span data-bind="text:type"></span></li>


var foodMenu = ko.observable([
{menuNo:"001",name:"Veg Biryani",price:100,type:"veg"},
{menuNo:"003",name:"Special Platter",price:600,type:"noveg"},
{menuNo:"004",name:"Fruit Juice",price:70}

When we try to execute the above code in the browser , the below message is coming

knockout-min.js:66 Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding "foreach: function(){return foodMenu }"
Message: Unable to process binding "text: function(){return type }"
Message: type is not defined
    at text (eval at parseBindingsString (knockout-min.js:61), <anonymous>:3:57)
    at update (knockout-min.js:91)
    at function.a.j.q (knockout-min.js:66)
    at l (knockout-min.js:44)
    at Object.a.w.a.j (knockout-min.js:47)
    at knockout-min.js:66
    at Object.o (knockout-min.js:10)
    at g (knockout-min.js:65)
    at h (knockout-min.js:63)
    at k (knockout-min.js:63)

To solve this error we need to update the code as below

<ul data-bind="foreach:foodMenu">
<li>Name <span data-bind="text:name"></span> , Type:  <span data-bind="text:type"></span></li>


var foodMenu = ko.observable([
{menuNo:"001",name:"Veg Biryani",price:100,type:"veg"},
{menuNo:"003",name:"Special Platter",price:600,type:"noveg"},
{menuNo:"004",name:"Fruit Juice",price:70,type:null}

This will fix the error

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