Magento 2 How to get Customer Billing Address from the order number

Magento 2 How to get Customer Billing Address from the order number

In ecommerce application when a customer places the order , the customer needs to fill the Billing

address , this Billing address will be used to deliver the product to the customer doorstep. The

Billing address of the customer is store in the magento 2 and is associated with the order details, to

get the customer Billing address details and display in your application you can do it with the order


 $orderId = 1;

        $orderDetailsArray = $objectManager->create('Magento\Sales\Model\Order')->load($orderId);

  $BillingDetailsData =$orderDetailsArray->getBillingAddress();

  #get customer Billing Region

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getRegion();

 #get customer Billing Postcode

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getPostcode();

 #get customer Billing LastName

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getLastName();

 #get customer Billing street


 #get customer Billing City

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getCity();

 #get customer Billing Email

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getEmail();

 #get customer Billing Telephone

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getTelephone();

 #get customer Billing suffix

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getSuffix();

 #get customer Billing vatid

 echo $BillingDetailsData->getVatId();
